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How Clariba²Lab helped AREAS move to Cloud Data Warehousing with SAP technology

As companies increasingly seek cloud technologies to expand their analytics capabilities, SAP Data Warehouse Cloud offers a best-in-class end-to-end enterprise suite. In this article, we explain how we assessed the potential of this solution along with AREAS.

It’s no secret to say that in their 2021 roadmap the vast majority of companies will have line items related to the transition to cloud technology. However, it is also well known that having a good plan on its own is not sufficient. The most important part is the execution.

And this last thing – how you execute this move – is the biggest challenge any IT department will have this year. But let’s step back, take the pressure off and explain how Clariba²Lab helped AREAS to make this strategic move. We’ll talk through 3 key tips which we learned from the project, to allow you to better face this challenge yourselves.

1. Be confident in making the move

Let’s be honest here. If you are not confident about moving your data analytics to the cloud – from your legacy data warehouse up to the reporting layer – you should not do it.

The most important factor when measuring the odds of a successful cloud data move is confidence. Your company should be clear about what advantages you will gain from this move and then allocate the necessary resources to accomplish it. If there is any concern or uncertainty, it must be resolved before moving forward.

The support of your team is key to success, and building on that, you should also select a competent and reliable partner you can trust to be by your side in this journey.

This is why we started the AREAs project with a detailed SWOT analysis, which we would recommend for any company in a similar position.
With this analysis we can easily identify your strengths and what opportunities are available to you, as well as checking whether you have any internal weaknesses, or if the implementation could be affected by an external threat.

Now let’s go to the second tip!

2. Start small, with an MVP

Yes, we mean it! Can you imagine listing all your potential software vendors and solutions in an Excel file, with scores based on extracts from web reviews, and then, once you identify which are your priorities, putting forward the funding to migrate everything at once? You might be surprised to learn that this is a more common scenario than you would think!

It’s vital to remember one thing. Cloud tech is not about CAPEx, it is more about OPEx. Cloud enables you to pay a small amount to start small – but with all the features - and check if it works. Most importantly, cloud technology enables you to decrease sunk costs (which is something that drives IT departments crazy!)

At Clariba, since last year we have offered what we call col·lab programs, which are by definition small projects with a clear scope to help companies test new technologies.

We executed a col·lab program with AREAS where we:

  • Validated SAP Data Warehouse Cloud integration with their SAP source systems and also third-party Systems. We executed data loads and created analytics models consolidating data from different sources.

  • Assessed performance for data federation. For a progressive cloud data move, it is key to enable data federation to consolidate on-premises sources

  • Reviewed data security – leverage existing authorization and row-level roles

  • Data governance – assess in-depth all capabilities SAP Data Warehouse Cloud enable for securing and sharing data

Once we settled on the MVP, we documented and provided valuable information to verify all our assumptions. And let’s go one step back: it is critical to define “Why are you producing the MVP?”, and equally importantly “Which are the key factors that could lead to a successful implementation or a failure?”. During the MVP you should be checking and analysing each of these key factors.

And finally, our last tip.

3. Define a proper roadmap

What is a proper roadmap? Well, in a simplified way, one which allows you to focus less on deadlines, and more on the strategic moves. Where do you want to be? Is it possible to get there in 1 year? What about in 2 years?

Once you are clear on that, you should slightly change the question to, what specifically the technology (in this case – SAP Data Warehouse Cloud) will allow you to be in 1 year, in 2 years, and so forth.
If the MVP is a success, and you have designed a proper roadmap, all that is left to do is to start executing!

This project was executed under col·lab program – a dedicated innovation program we offer at Clariba to drive innovation with our customers (see ).